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Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Education Programs [AREP] is committed to excellence, accountability and transparency in all of its internal and external programmatic and financial affairs. We follow and implement NGOs common charter of accountability and transparency. Besides, we have sufficient room for accountability and transparency in our organizational policies, procedures and plans.

AREP senior management oversees compliance with all local, national government, private sector and international government and non-government rules and regulations for its project activities and interventions.

We are accountable to government, stakeholders, beneficiaries, and donors and keep financial and program transparency via a range of policy regulations and implementation, compliance of the same.


Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Education Programs [AREP] is committed to excellence, accountability and transparency in all of its internal and external programmatic and financial affairs. We follow and implement NGOs common charter of accountability and transparency. Besides, we have sufficient room for accountability and transparency in our organizational policies, procedures and plans.

AREP senior management oversees compliance with all local, national government, private sector and international government and non-government rules and regulations for its project activities and interventions.

We are accountable to government, stakeholders, beneficiaries, and donors and keep financial and program transparency via a range of policy regulations and implementation, compliance of the same.