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While the overall security of the country remained volatile, the year 2016 ushered in a new era for AREP; one that brought a glimmer of hope for many Afghans participating in development, educational, capacity building, women empowerment and community development programs. As much as the environment continued to be complex, unpredictable, and fraught with risks; donors, too, provided support to strengthen AREP to carry forward plans to expand access to educational and community development support programs to reach a greater number of rural areas. Building on the success of its educational and community development programs, targeting the needy people and provide educational opportunity, AREP began scaling up projects in 2016 to rural districts in thirteen other provinces of Afghanistan and planning for further expansion is underway. In addition, educational and rural development partners provided support to expand outreach by offering educational and community development support that takes into consideration the specific needs of Afghans whose educational needs and livelihood depended on the poultry development value chain. Traditional poultry products and providing education opportunity have led to urban bias over the years. However, AREP Board of Directors and management are committed to serve the under-served, who typically fall out of reach of many government and formal financial and support services.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of AREPs Board Members, staff and those of our partner institutions. Together, we are able to demonstrate to donors, government stakeholders, and the Afghan people that we have the capacity and determination to contribute to economic recovery through capacity building and educational support facilities inclusion. Moreover, I would like to express my deep admiration for the resilience of the Afghan men and women, who have shown us time again that they are capable of actively participating in sustainable development programs if given the opportunity. I look forward to many more fruitful years ahead of us.


Eng. Amanullah Aman
Executive Director
Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Educational Program (AREP)